
PLS-SEM Applications

Do you know of any good PLS-SEM application articles, preferably in top-level journals?

Please send us your proposal to in the following format:
Ahrholdt, D.C./ Gudergan, S./ Ringle, C.M.: [Enhancing Loyalty: When Improving Consumer Satisfaction and Delight Matters]( Journal of Business Research, Volume 94 (2019). Issue 1, pp. 18-27.


Fujii, M.: Bridging the missing link between customer incivility and service outcomes. The Service Industries Journal, forthcoming.
Moisescu, O.-I./ Gică, O.-A./ Herle, F.-A./ Dan, I./ Sarstedt, M.: Does One Size Fit All? The Role of Extraversion in Generating Electronic Word-of-Mouth Through Social Media Brand Page Engagement. Psychology & Marketing, forthcoming.


Fujii, M.: Does Leadership Humility Foster Salesperson Creativity? The Serial Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction and Knowledge Sharing. International Journal of Bank Marketing, Volume 43 (2025), Issue 1, p. 805-812.
Lou, B., Bauer, F., Samba, C., & Shepherd, N.: Transactive Memory Systems and Acquisition Performance: A Strategic Decision Making Process Perspective. Journal of Management Studies, Volume 62 (2025), Issue 2, 850-878.


Capeau, F./ Valette-Florence, P./ Cova, V.: A Consumer Demands-resources Model of Engagement: Theoretical and Managerial Contributions from a Cross-validated Predictive Ability Test Procedure, Journal of Business Research, Volume 177 (2024), pp. 114619.
Chang, J.Y.-S./ Konar, R./ Cheah, J.-H./ Lim, X.-J.: Does Privacy Still Matter in Smart Technology Experience? A Conditional Mediation Analysis. Journal of Marketing Analytics, Volume 12 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 71-86.
Damberg, S./ Liu, Y./ Ringle, C.M.: Does Culture Matter? Corporate Reputation and Sustainable Satisfaction in the Chinese and German Banking Sector, Journal of Marketing Analytics, Volume 12 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 6-24.
Fujii, M.: Do Sales Control Systems Affect Service-sales Ambidexterity and Salesperson Performance? A Job Demands-resources Perspective, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 77 (2024), pp. 103640.
Goel, P./ Kumar, A.: Investigating how consumption values and place identity shape long-haul truck drivers' intention to visit roadside rest areas, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 190(2024), pp. 104265.
Kölbl, K./ Blank, C./ Schobersberger, W./Peters, M.: Increasing the Willingness to Stay – a Novel and Comprehensive Member Satisfaction Index (MSI) Model Tested in a Leading German Tennis Club. The TQM Journal, Volume 36(2024), Issue 5, pp. 1369-1395.
Leyva-Hernández, S.N./ Toledo-López, A.: Motivators of the Intention of Wine Tourism in Baja California, Mexico. Foods, Volume 13(2024), Issue 22, pp. 3651.
Magno, F./ Cassia, F./ Ringle, C.M.: A Brief Review of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) Use in Quality Management Studies, The TQM Journal, Volume 36 (2024), Issue 5, pp. 1242-1251.
Manley, S.C./ Williams, R.I./ Hair, J.F.: Enhancing TQM’s Effect on Small Business Performance: A PLS-SEM Exploratory Study of TQM Applied with a Comprehensive Strategic Approach. The TQM Journal, Volume 36 (2024), Issue 5, pp. 1252-1272.
Mansoor, M./ Paul, J./ Saeed, A./ Cheah, J.-H.: When Mass Meets Prestige: The Impact of Symbolic Motivations, Inspirations, and Purchase Intentions for Masstige Products, Journal of Business Research, Volume 176(2024), pp. 114591.
Manzi-Puertas, M.A./ Agirre-Aramburu, I./ López-Pérez, S.: Navigating the Student Entrepreneurial Journey: Dynamics and Interplay of Resourceful and Innovative Behavior, Journal of Business Research, 174(2024), pp. 114524.
Ntsiful, A.: Sharing is Caring for the Environment: But Why Would Managers Resist Shared Mobility?. Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 34 (2024), Issue 1, 612-633.
Oliveira, J.M./ Gomes, C.F.: Leveraging digital transformation on the path to sustainable development: The role of excellence models, Business Process Management Journal, Volume 30 (2024) Issue 4, pp. 1340–1366.
Riggs, R./ Felipe, C.M./ Roldán, J.L./ Real, J.C.: Information Systems Capabilities Value Creation Through Circular Economy Practices in Uncertain Environments: A Conditional Mediation Model, Journal of Business Research, Volume 175(2024), pp. 114526.
Rudkowski, J.: Measuring Employee-Consumer Integrated Retailer Brand Equity. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 76 (2024). pp. 103590.
Saari, U.A./ Damberg, S./ Schneider, M./ Aarikka-Stenroos, L./ Herstatt, C./ Lanz, M./ Ringle, C.M.: Capabilities for Circular Economy Innovation: Factors Leading to Product/service Innovations in the Construction and Manufacturing Industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 434 (2024), 140295.
Saari, U.A./Damberg, S./ Schneider, M./ Aarikka-Stenroos, L./ Herstatt, C./ Lanz, M./ Ringle, C.M.: Capabilities for Circular Economy Innovation: Factors Leading to Product/service Innovations in the Construction and Manufacturing Industries, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 434 (2024), pp. 140295.
Sallaku, R./ Vigolo, V.: Predicting Customer Loyalty to Airbnb Using PLS-SEM: The Role of Authenticity, Interactivity, Involvement and Customer Engagement. The TQM Journal, The TQM Journal, Volume 36(2024), Issue 5, pp. 1346-1368.
Sarstedt, M./ Liu, Y. (2024).: Advanced Marketing Analytics Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Journal of Marketing Analytics, Volume 12 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 1-5.
Sim, C. L./ Chuah, F./ Sin, K.Y./ Lim, Y. J.: The Moderating Role of Lean Six Sigma Practices on Quality Management Practices and Quality Performance in Medical Device Manufacturing Industry. The TQM Journal, Volume 36 (2024), Issue 5, pp. 1273-1299.
Söllner, M./ Mishra, A.N./ Becker, J.-M./ Leimeister, J.M.: Use IT Again? Dynamic Roles of Habit, Intention and Their Interaction on Continued System Use by Individuals in Utilitarian, Volitional Contexts, European Journal of Information Systems, Volume 33 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 80-96.
Teeluckdharry, N.B./ Teeroovengadum, V./ Seebaluck, A.K.: A Roadmap for the Application of PLS-SEM and IPMA for Effective Service Quality Improvements. The TQM Journal, Volume 36(2024), Issue 5, pp. 1300-1345.
Tiwari, P./ Kaurav, R.P.S./ Koay, K.Y.: Understanding Travel Apps Usage Intention: Findings from PLS and NCA. Journal of Marketing Analytics, Volume 12 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 25-41.
Zhang, J. A., O'Kane, C., & Bai, T.: How Do University-firm Interactions Affect Firm Innovation Speed? The Case of Chinese Science-intensive SMEs. Research Policy, 53 (2024, Issue 7, 105027.


Cepeda-Carrión, I./ Alarcon-Rubio, D./ Correa-Rodriguez, C./ & Cepeda-Carrion, G.: Managing Customer Experience Dimensions in B2B Express Delivery Services for Better Customer Satisfaction: A PLS-SEM Illustration. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Volume 53 (2023). Issue 7/8, pp. 886-912.
Cheah, J.-H./ Kersten, W./ Ringle, C.M./ Wallenburg, C.: Guest editorial: Predictive Modeling in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Research Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Volume 53 (2023). Issue 7/8, pp. 709-717.
Damberg, S.: Advanced PLS-SEM Models for Bank Customer Relationship Management Using Survey Data. Data in Brief, Volume 48 (2023), p. 109187.
Gimeno-Arias, F./ Santos-Jaén, J.M.: Using PLS-SEM for Assessing Negative Impact and Cooperation as Antecedents of Gray Market in FMCG Supply Chains: An Analysis on Spanish Wholesale Distributors. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Volume 53 (2023). Issue 7/8, pp. 718-742.
Khan, E.A./ Chowdhury, M.M.H./ Hossain, M.A./ Baabdullah, A.M./ Giannakis, M./ Dwivedi, Y.: Impact of Fake News on Firm Performance During COVID-19: An Assessment of Moderated Serial Mediation Using PLS-SEM. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Volume 53 (2023). Issue 7/8, 838-859.
Kumar, P./ Pillai, R./ Kumar, N./ Tabash, M.I.: The Interplay of Skills, Digital Financial Literacy, Capability, and Autonomy in Financial Decision Making and Well-being. Borsa Istanbul, Volume 23 (2022). Issue 1, pp. 169-183.
Kumar, P / Kumar, N. / Ting, H.: An Impact of Content Delivery, Equity, Support and Self-efficacy on Student’s Learning During the COVID-19. Current Psychology, Volume 42 (2023), pp. 2460-2470.
Leyva-Hernández, S. N./ Terán-Bustamante, A./ Martínez-Velasco, A.: COVID-19, social identity, and socially responsible food consumption between generations. Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 14(2023), pp. 1080097
Liu, Y./ Ting, H./ Ringle, C.: Appreciation to and Behavior Intention Regarding Upscale Ethnic Restaurants. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Volume 47 (2023). Issue 1, pp. 235-256.
Lucius, Z.K./ Damberg, S./ Meinel, M./ Ringle, C.M.: Internal Corporate Social Responsibility in Times of Uncertainty: Does Working from Home Harm the Creativity Link?. The Bottom Line, Volume 36 (2023). Issue 2, pp. 112-134.
Lusiantoro, L./ Noviasari, T.P./Sholihin, M./ Ciptono, W.S.: Can Information Sharing Predict Fresh Produce Supply Chain Performance Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Social Learning Perspective. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Volume 53 (2023). Issue 7/8, pp. 789-812.
Marin-Garcia, J.A./ Machuca, J.A.D./ Alfalla-Luque, R.: In Search of a Suitable Way to Deploy Triple-A Capabilities Through Assessment of AAA Models' Competitive Advantage Predictive Capacity. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Volume 53 (2023). Issue 7/8, pp. 860-885.
Molina-Castillo, F.-J./ Lopez-Nicolas, C./ Meroño-Cerdan, A.-L./ Sanchez-Cobarro, P.d.H.: Intention to Use Mobile Payment by Early Adopters from Mobile Phone User Data. Data in Brief, Volume 48 (2023), p. 109152.
Morgeson, F.V./ Hult, G.T.M./ Sharma, U./ Fornell, C.: The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI): A Sample Dataset and Description. Data in Brief, Volume 48 (2023), p. 109123.
Ngah, A.H./ Thurasamy, R./ Han, H.: If You Don't Care, I Will Switch: Online Retailers' Behaviour on Third-party Logistics Services. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Volume 53 (2023). Issue 7/8, pp. 813-837.
Richter, N.F./ Hauff, S./ Kolev, A.E./ Schubring, S.: Dataset On An Extended Technology Acceptance Model: A Combined Application of PLS-SEM and NCA. Data in Brief, Volume 48 (2023), p. 109190.
Riggs, R./ Roldán, J.L./ Real, J.C./ Felipe, C.M.: Opening the Black Box of Big Data Sustainable Value Creation: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Management Capabilities and Circular Economy Practices. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Volume 53 (2023). Issue 7/8, pp. 762-788.
Ringle, C.M./ Sarstedt, M./ Sinkovics, N./ Sinkovics, R.R.: A Perspective on Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling in Data Articles. Data in Brief, Volume 48 (2023), p. 109074.
Sarstedt, M./ Ringle, C.M./ Iuklanov, D.: Antecedents and Consequences of Corporate Reputation: A Dataset. Data in Brief, Volume 48 (2023), p. 109079.
Sinkovics, R.R.: Ethnocentrism in Austria - Historical Data. Data in Brief, Volume 49 (2023), p. 109326.
Xu, Y./ Chin, W.W./ Liu, Y./ He, K.: Do Institutional Pressures Promote Green Innovation? The Effects of Cross-functional Coopetition in Green Supply Shain Management. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Volume 53 (2023). Issue 7/8, pp. 743-761.


Damberg, S./ Schwaiger, M./ Ringle, C.M.: What’s Important for Relationship Management? The Mediating Roles of Relational Trust and Satisfaction for Loyalty of Cooperative Banks’ Customers. Journal of Marketing Analytics, Volume 10 (2022), pp. 3-18.
Duarte, P./ Silva, S.C./ Linardi, M.A./ Novais, B.: Understanding the Implementation of Retail Self-service Check-out Technologies Using Necessary Condition Analysis. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Volume 50 (2022). Issue 13, pp. 140-163.
Mustofa, R.H./Pramudita, D.A./Atmono, D./Priyankara, R./Asmawan, M.C./Rahmattullah, M./Mudrikah, S./Pamungkas, L.N.S.: Exploring Educational Students Acceptance of Using Movies as Economics Learning Media: PLS-SEM Analysis. International Review of Economics Education, Volume 39 (2022), 100236.
Rahman, S.M./ Carlson, J./ Gudergan, S./ Wetzels, M./ Grewal, D.: Perceived Omnichannel Customer Experience (OCX): Concept, measurement, and impact. Journal of Retailing, Volume 98 (2022). Issue 4, pp. 611-632. The web appendix shows how to report SmartPLS results
Rather, R.A./ Hollebeek, L.D./ Rasoolimanesh, S.M.: First-Time versus Repeat Tourism Customer Engagement, Experience, and Value Cocreation: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Travel Research, Volume 61 (2022). Issue 3, pp. 549–564.


Alam, Md.N./ Masroor, I./ Rokon, T.Md./ Rakib, S.G.: Blue Technology for Sustainability of Small and Medium Fish Firms: A Study on Small & Medium Fish Firms of Bangladesh, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Volume 23 (2021). Issue 1, pp. 635-646.
Barlette, Y./ Jaouen, A./ Baillette, P.: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) as Reversed IT Adoption: Insights into Managers’ Coping Strategies. International Journal of Information Management, Volume 56 (2021), pp. 102212.
Carlson, J./ Rahman, S.M./ Rahman, M.M./ Wyllie, J./ Voola, R.: Engaging Gen Y Customers in Online Brand Communities: A Cross-National Assessment. International Journal of Information Management, Volume 56 (2021), pp. 102252.
Ibarra-Sáiz, M.S./ Rodríguez-Gómez, G. / Boud, D.: The Quality of Assessment Tasks as a Determinant of Learning. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Volume 46 (2021). Issue 6, pp. 943–955.
Kloutsiniotis, P.V./ Mihail, D.M./ Mylonas, N./ Pateli, A.: Transformational Leadership, HRM Practices and Burnout During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Personal Stress, Anxiety, and Workplace Loneliness. International Journal of Hospitality Management, Volume 102 (2022), pp. 1-14.
Leyva-Hernández, S.N/ Toledo-López, A/ Hernández-Lara, A.B.: Purchase Intention for Organic Food Products in Mexico: The Mediation of Consumer Desire, Foods, Volume 10 (2021). Issue 2 (245).
Lleo, A./ Bastons, M./ Rey, C./ Ruiz-Perez, F.: Purpose Implementation: Conceptualization and Measurement. Sustainability, Volume 13 (2021). Issue 4, pp. 1-18.
Manosuthi, N./ Lee, J.S./ Han, H.: An Innovative Application of Composite-based Structural Equation Modeling in Hospitality Research with Empirical Example, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Volume 62 (2021). Issue 1, pp. 139-156.
Raziq, M.M./ Benito, G.R.G./ Ahmad, M.: Institutional Distance and MNE‐subsidiary Initiative Collaboration: The Role of Dual Embeddedness, European Management Review, Volume 18 (2021). Issue 3, pp. 311-328.
Saari, U.A./ Damberg, S./ Frömbling, L./ Ringle, C.M.: Sustainable Consumption Behavior of Europeans: The Influence of Environmental Knowledge and Risk Perception on Environmental Concern and Behavioral Intention. Ecological Economics, Volume 189 (2021), 107155.
Seiler, V./ Fanenbruck, K.M.: Acceptance of digital investment solutions: The case of robo advisory in Germany. Research in International Business and Finance, Volume 58 (2021), 101490.
Shafait. Z./ Khan M.A./ Sahibzada U.F./ Dacko-Pikiewicz Z./ Popp J.: An assessment of students’ emotional intelligence, learning outcomes, and academic efficacy: A correlational study in higher education, PLOS ONE, Volume 16 (2021). Issue 8, e0255428.
Sie, L./ Pegg, S./ Phelan, K.V.: Senior Tourists’ Self-determined Motivations, Tour Preferences, Memorable Experiences and Subjective Well-being: An Integrative Hierarchical Model. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Volume 47 (2021), pp. 237-251,
Szász, L./ Csíki, O./ Rácz B.-G.: Sustainability Management in the Global Automotive Industry: A Theoretical Model and Survey Study. International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 235 (2021), 108085.
Zollo, L./ Carranza, R./ Faraoni, M./ Díaz, E./ Martín-Consuegra, D.: What Influences Consumers’ Intention to Purchase Organic Personal Care Products? The Role of Social Reassurance. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 60 (2021), pp. 102432.


Alam, Md.N./ Masroor, I./ Nabi, Md.N.U.: Does Entrepreneurs’ Risk Perception Influence Firm’s Rapidity in Foreign mMrket Entry Through Moderation of Entrepreneurial Decision-making Approach?. Review of International Business and Strategy, Volume 30 (2020). Issue 2, pp. 225-243.
Bhat, A.A./Majumdar, K./ Mishra, R.K.: Local Support for Tourism Development and Its Determinants: An Empirical Study of Kashmir Region. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Volume 25 (2020). Issue 1, 1pp. 232-1249.
Buzeta, C./ De Pelsmacker, P./ Dens, N.: Motivations to Use Different Social Media Types and Their Impact on Consumers’ Online Brand-Related Activities (COBRAs). Journal of Interactive Marketing, Volume 52 (2020), pp. 79–98.
Carranza, R./ Díaz, E./ Martín-Consuegra, D./ Fernández-Ferrín, P.: PLS–SEM in Business Promotion Strategies: A Multigroup Analysis of Mobile Coupon Users Using MICOM. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Volume 120 (2020). Issue 12, pp. 2349-2374.
Castillo-Apraiz, J./ Richter, N.F./ Matey de Antonio, J./ Gudergan, S.: The Role of Competitive Strategy in the Performance Impact of Exploitation and Exploration Quality Management Practices, European Business Review, Volume 33 (2020). Issue 1, pp. 127-153.
Chaouali, W./ Souiden, N./ Ringle, C.M.: Elderly Customers' Reactions to Service Failures: The Role of Future Time Perspctive, Wisdom and Emotional Intelligence. Journal of Services Marketing, Volume 35 (2020). Issue 1, pp. 65-77.
Felipe, C.M./ Leidner, D.E./ Roldán, J.L./ Leal‐Rodríguez, A.L.: Impact of IS Capabilities on Firm Performance: The Roles of Organizational Agility and Industry Technology Intensity. Decision Sciences, Volume 51 (2020). Issue 3, pp. 575–619.
Ibarra-Sáiz, M.S. / Rodríguez-Gómez, G. / Boud, D.: Developing Student Competence Through Peer Assessment: The Role of Feedback, Self-regulation and Evaluative Judgement ( Higher Education, Volume 80 (2020). Issue 1, pp. 137–156.
Janson, A./ Sӧllner, M./ Leimeister, J.M.: Ladders for Learning: Is Scaffolding the Key to Teaching Problem-Solving in Technology-Mediated Learning Contexts?. Academy of Management Learning & Education, Volume 19( (2020). Issue 4, pp. 439-468
Kloutsiniotis, P.V./ Mihail, D.M.: The Effects of High Performance Work Systems on Employees’ Service-oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in the Greek Hospitality Sector. International Journal of Hospitality Management, Volume 90 (2020), pp. 1-12.
Masroor, I./ Alam, Md. N./ Adnan, K.A./ Jahan, I.: Inclination for Internationalization A Key Driver to Explain the Speed of International Market Entry through the Moderation of Effectuation Decision Logic: A Study on Small & Medium Software Firms of Bangladesh. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, Volume 12 (2020). Issue 2-3, pp. 183-198.
Nunkoo, R./ Teeroovengadum, V./ Ringle, C.M./ Sunnassee, V.: Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: The Moderating Effects of Hotel Star Rating. International Journal of Hospitality Management, Volume 91(2020). Issue 102414.
Ritchie, B.W./ Sie, L./ Gössling, S./ Dwyer, L.: Effects of climate change policies on aviation carbon offsetting: a three-year panel study. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Volume 28 (2020). Issue 2, pp. 337-360.
Tubillejas-Andrés, B./ Cervera-Taulet, A./ Calderón García, H.: How Emotional Response Mediates Servicescape Impact on Post Consumption Outcomes: An Application to Opera Events. Tourism Management Perspectives, Volume 34 (2020), pp. 1-13.
Van der Schyff, K./ Flowerday, S./ Lowry, P.: Information Privacy Behavior in the Use of Facebook Apps: A Personality-based Vulnerability Assessment ( Heliyon, Volume 6 (2020). Issue 8, pp. 1-13.


Ahrholdt, D.C./ Gudergan, S./ Ringle, C.M.: Enhancing Loyalty: When Improving Consumer Satisfaction and Delight Matters. Journal of Business Research, Volume 94 (2019). Issue 1, pp. 18-27.
García-Jurado, A./ Castro-González, P./ Torres-Jiménez, M./ Leal-Rodríguez, A.L.: Evaluating the Role of Gamification and Flow in E-consumers: Millennials Versus Generation X, Kybernetes, Volume 48 (2019). Issue 6, pp. 1278-1300.
Meseguer-Martinez, A./ Ros-Galvez, A./ Rosa-Garcia, A.: Linking YouTube and university rankings: Research performance as predictor of online video impact. Telematics and Informatics, Volume 43 (2019), 101264.


Avkiran, N.K./ Ringle, C.M./ Low, R.K.Y.: Monitoring Transmission of Systemic Risk: Application of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling in Financial Stress Testing. Journal of Risk, Volume 20 (2018). Issue 5, pp. 83-115.
Carranza, R./ Díaz, E./ Martín-Consuegra, D. (2018).: The influence of quality on satisfaction and customer loyalty with an importance-performance map analysis: Exploring the mediating role of trust. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, Volume 9 (2018). Issue 3, pp. 380-396.
Hegner-Kakar, A.-K./ Richter, N.F./ Ringle, C.M.: The Customer Loyalty Cascade and Its Impact on Profitability in Financial Services. In N.K. Avkiran & C.M. Ringle (Eds.), Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling: Recent Advances in Banking and Finance. Berlin: Springer, 2018, pp. 53-75.
Janka, M./ Guenther, T.W.: Management Control of New Product Development and Perceived Environmental Uncertainty: Exploring Heterogeneity Using a Finite Mixture Approach. Journal of Management Accounting Research, Volume 30 (018). Issue 2, pp. 131-161.
Latan, H./ Ringle, C.M./ Jabbour, C.J.C.: Whistleblowing Intentions Among Public Accountants in Indonesia: Testing for the Moderation Effects. Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 152 (2018). Issue 2, pp. 573-588.
Rosenbusch, J./ Ismail, I.R./ Ringle, C.M.: The Agony of Choice for Medical Tourists: A Patient Satisfaction Index Model. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, Volume 9 (2018). Issue 3, pp. 267-279.
Schirmer, N./ Ringle, C.M., Gudergan, SP./ Feistel, M.S.G.: The Link Between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: The Moderating Role of Customer Characteristics. Journal of Strategic Marketing, Volume 26 (2018). Issue 4, pp. 298-317.
Sie, L.,/ Phelan, K.V./ Pegg, S.: The Interrelationships Between Self-determined Motivations, Memorable Experiences and Overall Satisfaction: A Case of Older Australian Educational Tourists. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, Volume 9 (2018). Issue. 3, pp. 354-379.
Szász, L./ Seer, L.: Towards an Operations Strategy mMdel of Servitization: The Role of Sustainability Pressure. Operations Management Research, Volume 11 (2018). Issue 1, pp. 51-66.


Ahrholdt, D./ Gudergan, S.P./ Ringle, C.M.: Enhancing Service Loyalty: The Roles of Delight, Satisfaction, and Service Quality. Journal of Travel Research, Volume 56 (2017, Issue 4, pp. 436-50.
Rasoolimanesh, S.M./ Ringle, C.M./ Jaafar, M./ Ramayah, T.: Urban vs. Rural Destinations: Residents’ Perceptions, Community Participation and Support for Tourism Development. In: Tourism Management, Volume 60 (2017), pp. 147-158.


Wilden, R./ Gudergan, S.P.: The Impact of Dynamic Capabilities on Operational Marketing and Technological Capabilities: Investigating the Role of Environmental Turbulence. In: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Volume 43 (2015). Issue 2, pp. 181-199.


Ali, M./ Seny Kan, K.A./ Sarstedt, M.: Direct and Configurational Paths of Absorptive Capacity and Organizational Innovation to Successful Organizational Performance. In: Journal of Business Research, Volume 69 (2016). Issue 10, pp. 5317–5323.


Schloderer, M.P./ Sarstedt, M./ Ringle, C.M.: The Relevance of Reputation in the Nonprofit Sector: The Moderating Effect of Socio-Demographic Characteristics. In: International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, Volume 19 (2014). Issue 2, pp. 110-126.


Klarner, P./ Sarstedt, M./ Höck, M./ Ringle, C.M.: Disentangling the Effects of Team Competences, Team Adaptability, and Client Communication on the Performance of Management Consulting Teams. In: Long Range Planning, Volume 46 (2013). Issue 3, pp. 258-286.


Furrer, O./ Tjemkes, B./ Henseler, J.: A Model of Response Strategies in Strategic Alliances: A PLS Analysis of a Circumplex Structure. In: Long Range Planning, Volume 45 (2012). Issue 5-6, pp. 424-450.


Kocyigit, O. and Ringle, C. M.: The Impact of Brand Confusion on Sustainable Brand Satisfaction and Private Label Proneness: A Subtle Decay of Brand Equity. In: Journal of Brand Management, Volume 19 (2011). Issue 3, pp. 195-212.
Ringle, C.M./ Sarstedt, M./ Zimmermann, L.: Customer Satisfaction with Commercial Airlines: The Role of Perceived Safety and Purpose of Travel. In: Journal or Marketing Theory and Practice, Volume 19 (2011). Issue 4, pp. 459-472.
Sarstedt, M./ Becker, J.-M./ Ringle, C.M./ Schwaiger, M.: Uncovering and Treating Unobserved Heterogeneity with FIMIX-PLS: Which Model Selection Criterion Provides an Appropriate Number of Segments?. In: Schmalenbach Business Review, Volume 63 (2011). Issue 1, pp. 34-62.


Sattler, H./ Völckner, F./ Riediger, C./ Ringle, C.M.: The Impact of Brand Extension Success Drivers on Brand Extension Price Premiums. In: International Journal of Research in Marketing, Volume 27 (2010). Issue 4, pp. 319-328.
Völckner, F./ Sattler, H./ Hennig-Thurau, T./ Ringle, C.M.: The Role of Parent Brand Quality for Service Brand Extension Success. In: Journal of Service Research, Volume 13 (2010). Issue 4, pp. 379-396.


Sarstedt, M./ Schwaiger, M./ Ringle, C.M.: Do We Fully Understand the Critical Success Factors of Customer Satisfaction with Industrial Goods? - Extending Festge and Schwaiger’s Model to Account for Unobserved Heterogeneity. In: Journal of Business Market Management, Volume 3 (2009). Issue 3, pp. 185-206.