Organizational Identification Model
The project
This project contains the sample organizational identification model for partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The data (305 observations) is taken from U.S. (Bergami & Bagozzi, 2000). The articles by Bergami & Bagozzi (2000) in detail the data used and the PLS path model with its specific indicators (see also Hwang & Takane, 2004).

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Bergami, M. & Bagozzi, R.P. (2000). Self-Categorization, Affective Commitment and Group Self-Esteem as Distinct Aspects of Social Identity in the Organization. British Journal of Social Psychology, 39(4), 555-577.
Hwang, H. & Takane, Y. (2004). Generalized Structured Component Analysis. Psychometrika, 69(1), 81-99.