Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
The project
This project contains the sample technology acceptance model (TAM; Davis et al., 1989) for partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The data (1,190 observations) is taken from Saudi Arabia (Anderson et al., 2011). The articles by Al-Gahtani et al. (2007), Al-Gahtani & Shih (2009), and Anderson et al. (2011) describe in detail the data used and the PLS path model with its specific indicators.

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Al-Gahtani, S.S., Hubona, G.S., & Wang, J. (2007). Information Technology (IT) in Saudi Arabia: Culture and the Acceptance and Use of IT. Information & Management, 44(8), 681–691.
Al-Gahtani, S.S., & Shih, H.-P. (2009). The Influence of Organizational Communication Openness on the Post-Adoption of Computers. Journal of Global Information Management, 17(3), 20–41.
Anderson, C., Al-Gahtani, S.S., & Hubona, G. S. (2011). The Value of TAM Antecedents in Global IS Development and Research. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 23(1), 18-37.
Davis, F.D., Bagozzi, R.P., & Warshaw, P.R. (1989). User Acceptance of Computer Technology: A Comparison of Two Theoretical Models. Management Science, 35(8), 982–1003.