
Beginner Resources: Essential materials for starting your journey with SmartPLS

Must Reads


PLS-SEM Academy

PLS-SEM Academy: Access comprehensive online videos, exercises, and case studies to master SmartPLS and earn a certificate.

James Gaskins YouTube Series

Watch over 30 videos dedicated to SmartPLS 4 by James Gaskin on YouTube.

Research with Fawad

Explore a collection of over 60 videos covering SmartPLS 4 on Fawad's YouTube channel.

Sample Projects

Discover our curated collection of downloadable sample projects, complete with data files. You can import and run these examples in SmartPLS.

Advanced User Resources


Algorithm Descriptions

Explore comprehensive descriptions of all algorithms and their Settings.

Special Knowledge

Resources for Administrators

SmartPLS GmbH
Ahornstraße 54, D-25474 Bönningstedt, Germany
+49 02173 2643460
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